Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Why this group?

I really enjoy blog reading and was so excited and inspired when I came across a blog called "Playgroup With A Purpose"! My first thought was YES!! What an awesome idea! It's so simple and something we as moms all do. We go to playgroups we have play dates. Why not make a difference in the lives of others and our kids in the process?

The Colorado Springs chapter of PWAP will make every effort to help children's charities in this community and internationally. PWAP COS:

-is a non-denominational group - so any person of any religion can be
a part of it.

- is an a-political group - we do not collect for any politically based groups

-is for the children - we collect each month for charities that will benefit

I also want to inspire you and your children to volunteer in the community and will have ideas for you to get involved.

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